Free Introductory Resource on Educator Trauma & Wellness
Adapted from "Supporting the Wounded Educator: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach to Self-Care" & professional learning workshop content.
Does wellness matter in the workplace?
The short answer: Absolutely. The longer answer: The world was already realizing the importance of wellness before we stepped into the collective trauma of the past couple of years (our book* was released three weeks before Covid, not in response to it...we already knew life was hard!). Now more than ever, we need to enlist strategies to support our overall wellness so we don't find ourselves stuck in a state of survival. Just getting through our days is no way to live! Creativity, enthusiasm, job/life satisfaction, and connections are all adversely affected, creating a sense of depletion and being overwhelmed. I believe taking a comprehensive approach to our wellness allows us to find space where obstacles become opportunities, and we can contribute to building HOPE-centered organizations.
hope (n.)
a belief or trust that something good is possible
Student Wellness Initiatives: Our students are headed to adulthood! I believe it's important for students to have a vocabulary for their personal wellness to assist with self-advocacy as well as self-efficacy now versus later. I offer interactive sessions with students grades 7-12 to establish this important conversation and promote ownership in contributing to a healthy school culture.
*Our book's focus is on educators/child advocates, but our model for personal and professional wellness translates to all people & professions.
New Book Release Coming 2024/2025
I love people, and I believe everyone has an amazing story to tell. Sometimes our brokenness can get in the way of that story becoming a source of hope. It is true that I am passionate about people finding overall wellness in their lives, and I speak to that often within the secular realm. On a personal level, I believe that part of our wellness is to be found in the unique purpose God has for every single person. To this end, I am finishing up a manuscript about "Offering Our Broken Yes". If you are interested in joining an email list to receive announcements about the book's release, I'd love to have you!

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I cannot wait to share this with you! You matter, & your story matters.

These meetings have been different. As a direct result of your influence, I have felt more compassion for coworkers & given myself permission to do meaningful things toward my well-being I may not have otherwise done. I am a better me.
Anonymous, Ohio

Life-changing. Why haven't I thought of "professional self-care" before? This has been invaluable to me as a person and professional.
Stephen L., GA

This was my favorite session of the conference. So empowering. Dardi has a way of connecting because she keeps it real.
Conference Attendee, Orlando, FL
Interested in a Wellness Workshop or Conference Speaker?
I'd love to hear from you!
If you are experiencing a personal or health-related crisis, please contact a medical professional immediately. Resources: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 or 988, National Alliance on Mental Illness: 800-950-6264, Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741.