Connect the Dots 4 Trauma-Informed Learning & Wellness  

We offer a  comprehensive approach to assist schools & communities with reaching wounded children while also addressing the needs of the professionals who work with them. Click below to find out more about customizable training & our H.O.P.E. Curriculum!

Download Customizable Training Partnership Framework

Connect the Dots 4 Social-Emotional Learning & Wellness

We offer a comprehensive approach to assist schools & communities with reaching wounded children while also addressing the needs of the professionals who work with them!

Download Training Options

We are passionate about teaming up with our Warriors of Hope.

Whether it's a conference, professional development training, or book study...virtually or in person...we believe in forging a trusted relationship and providing a meaningful experience with doable, practitioner-developed strategies.  Our stories mirror your stories enabling us to connect the dots...Together.

Upcoming Connection Opportunities

Currently, we have some featured sessions and keynotes coming up at the following events:

National Youth Advocacy & Resilience (NYAR) Conference, March 3-6, 2024, Savannah, GA  (Dardi-Opening Keynote, Dr. Joe-Featured Sessions) 


Stop back for updated listings.  As always, we are available to provide customizable training directly with your school or organization.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests! 

Dawn C., Intervention Specialist

"Joe speaks to my soul. The words and stories that come out are part of my story. We embrace wounds, not just keeping them privately as a part of our story but using them as fuel to help others battle."

Julie P.

"I'm a teacher with 41 years of experience...Dr. Hendershott validated my increasing concerns over the past 6 years while working at the high school of trying to reach the wounded child and still support them academically.  Many of these high school students have had years of trauma and yet we expect them to learn Algebra 2 and Chemistry,etc/  when all they can think about is all the turmoil in their lives. But there is hope with more and more educators hearing Joe speak and finding ways to support all children, but especially the wounded... I learned so much in his webinar and am anxious to read his books."

Linda S., School Psychologist

"Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this class...probably the most useful professional development class I've taken."


Ready to get started?

Whether you choose to enroll in an ONLINE COURSE to work at your own pace or you'd rather participate in a group setting (live or virtual), we look forward to connecting with you! If you have any questions or need to use a purchase order for registrations, please feel free to contact us.